Her Most secret affair by Jesalin Creswell

  Valerie Wilde is the Madam of The Crimson Manor , a luxuriant brothel, retreated at the age of 31 she behaves more like a human resources recruiter, her girls leave the brothel to be some count’s kept woman and she needs to find a new girl instead of Molly, the first of her recruits….

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Love By The Numbers by Karin Kallmaker

What was really fascinating within the story, were the opposites attract kind of characters and  also, the reasons how they were accidentally brought together  : Professor Nicole Hathaway’s book promotion tour and  because she needed an assistant to travel with all over the world. Actually, she chased away the rest of the assistants, because she didn’t…

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Painted Moon by Karin Kallmaker

„The moon came out in an eerie blue, almost as if it were painted by the snow.” „Painted Moon”  appears an easy read, but it has it’s depths, especially in Jackie’s relationship with her mother and her eagerness to love, I mean, to be really in love and loved back, like in the fairytales, like…

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