Sheridan’s Fate – by Gun Brooke

    „Sheridan’s Fate” is one amazing lesbian romance novel in the Bella Book’s style. It tells the story of two so very different women bound by a love they can’t escape. Sheridan Ward is the heir of the Ward dynasty, a wealthy San Antonio, Texas family that made a great fortune out of their…

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Firefly by Whitney Hamilton

„And though my only other wish was to see her one last time, I discovered that love has no charted course.  We navigate by the fires in the sky, those sublime violet circles that simultaneously mark the journey in our hearts…  ” „.  It was left to the unspoken language of the soul” „We are Climbing…Jacob’s…

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Color of dust by Claire Rooney

“A woman shouldn’t have to be afraid to speak her mind, Lilly said.” An amazing historical lesbian romance coming out from a Russian puppet…from our days’ time…I was amazed by it’s intensity and erotism, one of the best haunting stories I have read, lately. The second oldest house in colonial America, Convington Place, West Virginia…

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Too close to touch by Georgia Beers

A lesbian romance…. Gretchen Kaiser Gretchen Kaiser is a sales manager in her forties who doesn’t let anything stand in front of her success and with a brand new BMW she heads off a new city and a new job at Emerson. She seems to have everything : beauty and professional success, yet she has…

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Hearts Aflame by Ronica Black

  „Hearts Aflame” is a beautiful Bella Books style lesbian romance that this time involves a farm in Arizona that one of the main characters inherits, it’s a cute Western tale with many cowboy’s metaphors and glimpses of their lives. Our two main characters are : Krista Whyler and Dr. Rae Barrett. Krista  has a…

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Liberty for American Citizens and minorities : African-Americans, Hispanic and Lgbt community after Donald Trump’s winning the US Presidency on 9th of November 2016

  After the results of the American vote on 9 th of November 2016 and the very surprising win the American Presidency from billionaire Donald Trump, there are many reactions and especially concerns coming from minorities : the ones that voted for Hilary, like Afro-Americans or Hispanic or the Lgbt community and because of Donald…

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Rebeccah and the Highwayman by Barbara Davies

  „Rebeccah and the highwayman” is a lesbian  historical novel placed in England during Good Queen Anne’s reign. Those are dark middle ages times when countries knew two social classes : the very rich and the poor and some of the poor turned into Robin Hood’s because of the social differences. It’s not exactly a…

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